Volunteers Needed to Assist at Mass

Dear Brothers,

After a long suspension from congregate Mass, the Bishops of Ohio announced that the Catholic Churches will open their doors for Masses on 5/30 & 5/31 – Pentecost Weekend.  Fr. Dooley has announced a revised Mass schedule going forward:

Saturday Mass – 4:30 PM

              Sunday Masses – 9:30 AM & 12:00 noon

Note: going forward there will be only two Masses on Sunday.

Even though Masses are re-starting, there will be many precautions taken to insure everyone’s safety.  Because of these precautions, more ushers will be needed, before, during and between Masses.  As Knights, if you are able to help the parish with this effort please volunteer.

Father has requested assistance from the Knights in coordinating the opening of Masses.  Primarily he is looking for 4-5 Knights each Mass to assist as Ushers.  Please Sign-UP using the “Sign-up Genius” message which contains the date and times to volunteer.

The Sign-Up Genius link to volunteer is as follows:


 From Father Dooley:

 “Thanks to the Knights for their willingness to help. Here are my responses:”

-For those who do not wear a mask: we have a few extras but not too many. If they don’t have a mask, we will have to turn away politely.

-Cleaning: Garrett Miller and Jen Bryant are coordinating the cleaning. We would like to get pews, railings, restrooms, and other areas cleaned.

-The collection basket will be left on the table in the back. It will not be passed around. I would like a Knight or usher to stand and watch it.

-I can’t think of other duties.

-I believe 4-5 Knights would be good per Mass.”

Vivat Jesus,

Steve Gauntner, Grand Knight